Caso Chevron
MCSquared Amends Controversial Ecuador Filing
O'D Wayer's 25/02/2015

MCSquared PR amended its federal lobbying Feb. 23 to say work for Ecuador to highlight environmental damage caused by Texaco, which was acquired by Chevron, included efforts to counter Chevron's "PR strategy to harm the reputation of Ecuador."
The Brooklyn-based firm also disclosed additional fees of $3.6M for non-registrable activities connected to the global PR campaign. It had earlier disclosed $6.4M for the one-year PR campaign.
MCSquared says it visited over 90 contaminated sites; invited celebrities and international personalities to Ecuador and handled trip support (logistics, security, ground/air transportation, catering); arranged press conferences; promoted tourism, prepared video reports in Ecuador, US, Central/South America and Europe; bought advertising, and monitored media.
The firm also arranged the visit of Guillaume Long, Ecuador's Minister of Knowledge and Human Talent, to New School University in New York City.
McSquared denies lobbying US government officials but says it engaged in political activity by doing media outreach in connection to President Rafael Correa's trip to the US in April.
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