Caso Chevron
Chevron Shakedown Lawyer Loses His License To Practice In D.C.
Now, Steven Donziger has had his license to practice law suspended in both New York and the District of Columbia.
Hot Air 04/10/2018

Photo: Hot Air
While the years-long tale of the Chevron Shakedown has mostly drawn to a close (with Chevron as the clear winner and the would-be conspirators being the losers), there was another interesting development in the story last month. You likely recall the New York attorney who helped mastermind the entire scheme, working in concert with corrupt judges and government officials in Ecuador. His name is Steven Donziger. He assembled the army of environmental activists who joined in on the assault, as well as the herd of “investors” who put up money to cover the costs of bringing the suit with the expectation of receiving a cut of the haul when Chevron paid them off.
As you read here if you were following our coverage, things went badly for Donziger at every turn, losing one challenge after another. Then, a court in New York declared him to have been guilty of racketeering as a result of the scheme. It turns out that such actions have professional consequences, and now Donziger has had his license to practice law suspended in both New York and the District of Columbia. (Legal Newsline)
On Sept. 14, the District of Columbia Court of Appeals suspended attorney Steven R. Donziger from practicing law in Washington, D.C., effective immediately.
The court’s decision comes shortly after the Appellate Division of the New York Supreme Court suspended Donziger’s license in the state of New York in July. Considering New York and Washington, D.C., were the only jurisdictions in which Donziger was licensed to practice law, he is no longer allowed to practice law at all.
Both decisions come as a result of Donziger’s allegedly illegal and unethical activity.
It was also proposed Donziger’s suspension be stayed pending the outcome of his disciplinary proceedings in New York.
Read more here
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