Caso Chevron
Yet another court smacks down Ecuador’s attempted shakedown of Chevron
The Dutch court rejected Ecuador’s attempt to upend an earlier decision against Ecuador by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague.
Washington Examiner 18/04/2019

Ecuador's corrupt, leftist regime and its grifting American lawyers keep losing and losing and losing in a long-running case that proves there is such a thing as international justice.
The latest win for energy giant Chevron against fraudulent claims of environmental despoliation came Monday from the Supreme Court of the Netherlands. The Dutch court rejected Ecuador’s attempt to upend an earlier decision against Ecuador by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. This follows a recent ruling by Canada’s Supreme Court throwing out Ecuador’s case in that venue. That decision followed years of similar decisions from all over the world after the emergence of abundant evidence that Ecuador, its judges, and its American lawyers had wrongly conspired to bilk Chevron of up to $27 billion.
For those who haven’t followed this saga, the short version is this: In 1992, Ecuador’s state-owned Petroecuador company took over oil leases from Texaco. In 1998, Ecuador’s own government certified that Texaco had performed full and satisfactory remediation of all environmental hazards at those sites. In 2001, Chevron bought Texaco. Shortly thereafter, a new leftist and anti-American government supported a lawsuit against Chevron for the supposed damage that Texaco had done decades earlier, despite Texaco’s clean bill of health.
Ecuador's corrupt, leftist regime and its grifting American lawyers keep losing and losing and losing in a long-running case that proves there is such a thing as international justice.
The latest win for energy giant Chevron against fraudulent claims of environmental despoliation came Monday from the Supreme Court of the Netherlands. The Dutch court rejected Ecuador’s attempt to upend an earlier decision against Ecuador by the Permanent Court of Arbitration in The Hague. This follows a recent ruling by Canada’s Supreme Court throwing out Ecuador’s case in that venue. That decision followed years of similar decisions from all over the world after the emergence of abundant evidence that Ecuador, its judges, and its American lawyers had wrongly conspired to bilk Chevron of up to $27 billion.
For those who haven’t followed this saga, the short version is this: In 1992, Ecuador’s state-owned Petroecuador company took over oil leases from Texaco. In 1998, Ecuador’s own government certified that Texaco had performed full and satisfactory remediation of all environmental hazards at those sites. In 2001, Chevron bought Texaco. Shortly thereafter, a new leftist and anti-American government supported a lawsuit against Chevron for the supposed damage that Texaco had done decades earlier, despite Texaco’s clean bill of health.
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