Caso Chevron
Brad Pitt Takes On The $9 Billion Shakedown Against Chevron - Get Out The Popcorn 06/05/2015

Zeitgeist: Brad Pitt beat out George Clooney to win film rights to a book covering the $9 billion shakedown of Chevron in Ecuador. Good movie material, but the environmental left is howling. Has something changed in Hollywood?
The fierce contest between the two A-list film stars' production companies might just signal fresh wind in the entertainment industry.
The book they both sought rights to for possible production into a big-screen Hollywood movie is Paul Barrett's 2014 "Law of the Jungle." It told a fairly straight story about the world's biggest corporate shakedown, the multibillion, fraud-ridden, bribe-laden, media-driven tale of a left-wing lawyer's effort to use Ecuador's corrupt justice system to shake billions out of Big Oil.
It was based on false claims that Chevron was responsible for rain forest pollution in Ecuador's Amazonian rain forest and sought $18 billion.
For 22 years, the oil giant fought back. Last year, it finally won after U.S. Judge Lewis Kaplan denounced the whole operation as "fraudulent" and ordered that no judgment against Chevron be enforced here.
The liberal judge had choice words for plaintiff Steve Donziger's many shenanigans — and showed contempt for Ecuador's corrupt leftist government.
All this is worth noting because up until now, Hollywood stars have shilled almost solely for the other side.
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